If you want to migrate from Blogger to WordPress without losing the organic traffic then you are in the right place.

Because in this article, I’m going to share a step by step tutorial on how to properly move from Blogger to WordPress without affecting the Google Ranking.

Believe me, It’s very easy. You can switch your entire Blogspot blog to WordPress without any risk in just 10-20 minutes.

So, Let’s get started.

Why Should You Switch From Blogger to Self hosted WordPress?

Before starting this tutorial let me explain to you what are the drawbacks of using a Blogger blog and the benefits of having a self-hosted WordPress blog.

Problem 1: You don’t Own your Blogger Blog

If your blog is on Blogger platform then you need to understand that you are not the owner of your blog.

Yes, you heard right.

You are not the owner of your blog because it’s owned by Google and if you break any of his policies then Google can remove your blog without any warning.

It means that all your hard works can go in vain in just a second if you did anything wrong even by mistake.

Problem 2: Blogger Blog Can Hurt Your Branding

Just give me the answer to this question.

Did you know any big company or professional blogger who is using Blogger platform?

I know that your answer is a big no.

Every professional blogger is using WordPress Because we can create a professional website in WordPress easily because we have tons of amazing premium WordPress themes.

Apart from this, there are lots of plugins available like Elementor and Thrive Themes builder and many more through which you can customize your WordPress theme as per your requirement without any coding knowledge.

As we all know that Blogger sites don’t look professional. That’s why it’s very difficult to get backlinks for blogger sites.

I’m not saying that you’ll not get even a single backlink. You can get backlinks but it’s little harder to get backlinks in the case of Blogger site due to UX and design.

How to Properly Migrate from Blogger to WordPress Without Losing the Organic Traffic (In Just 7 STEPS)

migrate from blogger to wordpress without losing organic traffic

Be ready because now I’m going to share step by step guide which can help you to move from Blogger to WordPress without affection your Google ranking.

STEP 1: Purchase A Good Webhosting 

The very first step is to purchase a good Webhosting for your website.

There are many Webhosting companies but I’ll recommend you to purchase Dreamhost hosting because it’s one of the best Webhosting company.

Click here to purchase Dreamhost Hosting (70% Discount)

After clicking on the above link you’ll see a screen like this.

If you want to start only one website then I’ll recommend you to choose Shared Starter plan.

Both plans can handle unlimited traffic.

dreamhost hosting pricing plans

After selecting the plan, you’ll be redirected to a page where you need to enter your domain name.

Case 1: If you are using a free domain like yoursite.blogspot.com like this then I’ll recommend you to purchase a new domain name.

Case 2: If you are using a custom domain name like yoursite.com like this then click on “I already have a domain” and enter your domain name.

dreamhost free domain registration

So, enter your domain name here and click on the “Proceed” button.

Now, it’s time to fill your account information like name, email address etc.

dreamhost hosting account info

After filling account information, you need to enter your credit card (or debit card) details. 

dreamhost hosting billing info

After that, click on the first checkboxes as shown in the image below and click on the “Submit Order” button.

dreamhost hosting payment final step with additional option

Congratulations! You’ve purchased the hosting for your blog.

After Purchasing Dreamhost Hosting Login to Your Dreamhost Account (You’ll get login details like username and password in email). 

NOTE: This username and password will be used for login in your WordPress site admin panel.


Login to your blogger account and go to Settings >> Others then under “import and backup” section, you’ll get an option “Backup Content”. Click on it.

export blogger content

After this, you’ll see a popup box as shown below.

save blogger backup to computer

Click on “Save to Your Computer” button and save this backup file anywhere on your computer.


Now, go to this URL YourWebsite.com/Wp-admin

(Note: Replace YourWebsite.com with your domain name)

For example, if you’ have a domain name fitness.com then use fitness.com/wp-admin to login to your WordPress dashboard.

login to wordpress dashboard

You need to enter username and password which you set up in step 1. (during WordPress installation)


After login to your WordPress dashboard, go to “Tools>>Import” and click on “Install Now” on Blogger.

install blogger importer on wordpress

Now click on the “Run Importer” option as shown below.

run blogger importer

Now you’ll see a popup where you need to upload the blogger backup XML file which you exported in step 2.

upload that file and click on “Upload file and import” button.

import blogger file

Now, in the next step, it’ll ask you to add the author name. You can add your name here.

assign authors on wordpress

Congratulation! Now, WordPress will import all your content from Blogger to WordPress.

You can check it by visiting Posts >> All Posts on your WordPress dashboard.

Permalink is nothing but the URL structure of your blog posts.

You are switching from blogger to WordPress. That’s why your URL structure should be the same your blogger blog.

So, Go to Setting >> Permalink and select the Custom Structure option.

Now copy below text and add this in the custom structure field:


change permalink structure

STEP 6: Redirect Blogger to WordPress 

This is a very important step to ensure that you’ll not lose your organic traffic.

And your blog visitors will visit on the same page which they were trying to open in the old site.

That’s why it’s a very crucial step to set up proper redirection. It’ll help you to migrate from blogger to WordPress without loosing the Google ranking.

For this, you need to install the plugin “Blogger to WordPress“.

Note: If you don’t know how to install a plugin then watch this video.

blogger to wordpress redirection plugin

After Installing that plugin, Visit Tools >> Blogger to WordPress and click on “start configuration” button and then click on the “Get Code” button and copy the code.

generate redirection code

Now login to your Blogger account and open Theme setting and click on “Edit HTML” button.

blogger template code

Now, delete every coding which is showing here and Paste the code generated by “Blogger to WordPress” Plugin.

add redirection code in blogger

Now, you need to redirect your mobile readers.

Again open Theme setting and click on the Gear icon which is showing below the mobile preview of your blog.

redirect blogger mobile version to wordpress

You’ll see a popup as shown below.

Click on “No, Show desktop theme on mobile device” and save it.

change setting of blogger mobile version

STEP 7: Moving Other Things

You can move our posts by using the above method. But you have to move your pages, widgets and RSS feeds manually.

#1. How to Move Pages from Blogger to WordPress?

Login to your WordPress dashboard and Go to Pages >> Add New and create all the pages manually and paste page content from your blogger blog manually.

Note: Your blogger page structure was like this:


But WordPress page URL looks like:


You can redirect the old page URL to a new URL by installing a redirection plugin.

#2. How to Move Widgets of Blogger Blog to WordPress?

Same as Blogger, WordPress also provides Widget Functionality. 

There is not any option to move your widget from Blogger to WordPress.

But don’t worry. It’s very easy to add widgets in WordPress.

Login to Your WordPress dashboard and Go to Appearance>> Widget. From here, you can simply drag and drop the widgets you want to show on your blog.

#3. RSS Feeds

If you want that the users who subscribed to your blog via RSS feeds will able you find your blog then you need to do a simple setting.

Login to Your Blogger account and Go to Setting >> Other. 

Now in “Post Feed Redirect URL” section, click on add new and add your WordPress blog feed URL here.

It’ll be like this: https://yoursite.com/feed

blogger post feed redirect url

Congratulations, You’ve successfully migrated your blog from Blogger to self-hosted WordPress blog without losing the organic traffic.

Here are some FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) people ask during transferring their blog from Blogger to self-hosted WordPress blog.

Can I transfer my blog from Blogger to WordPress?

Yes, you can easily transfer your blogger blog to a self-hosted WordPress blog within 10-20 minutes. It’s very easy.

Should I move from Blogger to WordPress?

Yes, you should. Because You don’t own your Blogger blog. If you break any of the Google policies then they can remove your blog without any warning.

How do I transfer my domain from Blogger to WordPress?

It’s very easy. Login to your domain registrar account and change the DNS setting and Add the nameserver of your Web Hosting company.

Which is better Blogger or WordPress?

Without any doubt, I can say that WordPress is far better than Blogger. Because it has lots of functionalities which are missing in the Blogger platform.

Will migration from Blogger to WordPress affect my Google ranking?

No, It’ll not affect your Google Ranking. You can move from Blogger to self-hosted WordPress without affecting your organic traffic.

NOTE from the Author: 

If your budget is low and still you want to migrate your website from blogger to WordPress then I’ll recommend you to check either monthly billed hosing list or Free Trial web hosting list

It’ll help you get best hosting at very affordable price.


Congratulations, You’ve successfully migrated your blog from Blogger to self-hosted WordPress blog without losing the organic traffic.

It’ll not affect your Google ranking. So, Congratulations once again because you’ve moved your entire Blogspot blog to Self-hosted WordPress blog.

I hope then now you’ll never search on Google that how to migrate from blogger to WordPress.

If you faced difficulty in any step during switching from blogger to WordPress then please let me know via comment below.

migrate from blogger to wordpress without losing organic traffic

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